Linda Weltner Studio
Professionally certified by the Florida State Board of Education, and in association with the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) and its subsidiaries, Linda Weltner Studio has been actively performing since l982. Students have successfully participated in National Federation of Music Clubs festivals, the acclaimed Spotlight On Youth production, the Alachua County Youth Orchestra, GMTA recitals, District Student Day, and Foundation for the Promotion of Music marathons.
Ms. Weltner is a requested adjudicator for Florida Federation of Music Clubs (FFMC) and Florida State Music Teachers Association (FSMTA) State and District festivals, District Concerto Competitions, the Alachua County Youth Orchestra Concerto Competition and String Award auditions. She has served as Central Florida College adjunct faculty, executive board member of the Gainesville Music Teachers Association (GMTA), and in 2018, was elected to the Strings Syllabus Revision Committee for statewide FSMTA Student Day.
Welcome to passionate, professional instruction in violin performance! The joy of this instructor is to offer a personal approach to developing the fine artist, cultivating sensitivity to beauty and grace in sound and encouraging emotive expression with a high technical standard. Repertoire is creatively planned, and lessons are personally designed to meet the unique requirements of each musician.
Following the Florida State Music Teachers Association Proficiency Guidelines, each intermediate/advanced student experiences structured traditional study which can include:
- Suzuki repertoire, music theory, technique training
- Classical and Romantic repertoire and jazz, fiddle, contemporary styles
- Partner and group lessons, performance classes, ensemble playing
- Recitals and other public performance
Parents Say
``We can’t express how much joy it brings us to see and hear the girls making music! Our biggest thrill is that they both enjoy the violin and are proud to play it. You’ve been such a thoughtful and patient teacher—and always upbeat! Thank You. You have made a difference in their lives and ours.`` -J.B.
``Thank you for all you do for our son. Of all the people in his young life, you have been the most instrumental in helping build character and confidence. You are a wonderful teacher and friend; it is a blessing to have you in our lives.`` -M & T
``I am truly overwhelmed by your poise and gracefulness, but most of all your enthusiasm. It must be so gratifying to know that you have impacted so many lives with a love for music and to mold your students into fine musicians.`` -S.P.
“Thank you for being so kind and understanding with our son—in short, the perfect teacher to guide him through. He is so happy each week when he gets back from his lesson.” -P.M.
“We as a family are blessed by your input in our son’s life and character. Your passion and gifts in music are a delight and your ability to share and encourage that in others is remarkable. Thank you for your investment in our son’s life!” -D.D.
``Thank you for your delight in music and in teaching. You are impacting all those our lives touch because of all you have imparted to us.`` -D.D.